Woodside Nippers

Woodside Nippers


Albany SLSC has a dynamic Woodside Nipper program, which aims to progressively develop skills needed in surf lifesaving activities. During the program, Nippers will learn skills in four key areas;

  • Individual Safety – This learning area deals with recognising potential risks that we all face when visiting the beach and in life in general.
  • Surf Awareness – Not only are surf skills required in conquering conditions, but a knowledge of where the dangers are and how to read the surf are essential ingredients in keeping safe at the beach.
  • Lifesaving Skills – This learning area starts to introduce our nippers to the role we hope they undertake as they grow and develop into our future lifesavers
  • Surf Sport Skills – This learning area starts to introduce our nippers to the role we hope they undertake as they grow and develop into our future lifesavers

By conducting events each week in the areas of surf sports skill development activities and education your Woodside Nipper will develop their skills, knowledge and fitness, beginning their journey towards becoming Life Savers.

These events are fun and non-threatening with a healthy mix of competition and participation. For those who enjoy the more competitive side of Surf Life Saving the club provides pathways in the competitive environment.

Can your child swim?

Please note: It is not the aim of ASLSC to teach your children how to swim. We strongly recommend children participate in swim classes, either during the school term or holiday times. Vacation swimming lessons at a beach environment are recommended.


ASLSC welcomes Nippers aged 5-14 into the Woodside Nipper Program. Age groups are calculated from the age of the child on the 1st of October. For example: a child turning 10 in December is 9 at the start of the season and is therefore an U10 (despite being 10 for much of season).


The Woodside Nipper program runs on Sundays throughout the season from 9.00am-11.00am. Be sure to arrive in time for your child to get prepared for the start of the session. Events begin promptly at 09.00am.

The Woodside Nippers calendar of events will be emailed to all parents at the commencement of the season. Please note this is subject to change throughout the season. Up to date information can always be found in the club’s weekly News reports.

It is expected that parents/carers remain on the beach throughout the duration of Woodside Nipper activities each Sunday.

In addition a number of major events are held throughout the season at various locations around the state.

Nippers also have the opportunity to participate in weekly training sessions at Middleton Beach.

Details of all Woodside Nipper and Youth activities can be found in the club calendar.

Woodside Nippers

Albany SLSC Awards & Honours Nominations

Dear Members, The time of the 2024/2025 season has come where we are asking for members to nominate fellow Albany Surf Life Saving Club members for...

Save the Date: 2024/2025 Woodside Nipper Annual Awards Event

Thanks to everyone who has responded to assist with the coordinating. Can I request that you complete the short form again as the details haven't...

Woodside Nippers updates

February 11 - Conditions on Sunday morning offered our Woodside Nippers a great lesson in ocean conditions. Our smaller Nippers walked up onto the...

Save the Date: 2024/2025 Woodside Nipper Annual Awards Event

Thanks to everyone who has responded to assist with the coordinating. Can I request that you complete the short form again as the details haven't...

Woodside Nippers – Dates for the Diary

Nipper Qualifier, Leighton Beach – 8th and 9th February 2025 Little Nipper Champs, Leighton Beach - 23rd February 2025 Entries can be completed via...

Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Board training will commence at 5pm and run through to 6pm. Make sure you have your Woodside Nippers vest and Age Group cap to participate. Please...

Woodside Nippers update 2 February

Sunday Points Day This weekend our Woodside Nippers competed in the third points day of the season. Competitors took on flags, sprints, a board race...

2025 WA Country Carnival & Champs Wrap Up – Bunbury

Well done team Albany. It was a jam packed weekend with both the Fuel to Go & Play WA Country Championships and the Fuel to Go & Play WA...

2025 Nippers round-up Bunbury Carnivals

A team of 15 ASLSC Nippers travelled to Bunbury over the weekend to compete in the Country Championships and Country Carnival hosted by the City of...

Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Tuesday training will include a beach skills session coached by Dannika and Amy, running from 4:15 to 4:45. If your Nipper is attending the beach...

Upcoming Events


sun16feb9:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue18feb5:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

sun23feb7:30 am2025 Budget Lifesaver RelayAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:Masters,Senior,Social,Youth

sun23feb9:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue25feb5:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

Training Opportunities

Beach, Board and Surf Training

ASLSC offer beach, board and surf training for Woodside Nippers from U8 – U13.

These sessions are offered on Tuesday from 5-6pm.

We are always looking for volunteers to support our programs!

If you can assist, please contact Jane Levett at

If your child is wanting to attend any of the  training sessions, please click on the below form link to help us with planning.

Nippers Training Form

To keep up to date on the training schedule for Woodside Nippers, please ensure you read the Rip each week or access news posts on the website here.

Woodside Nippers Program Overview.

This program is currently being finalised by the Woodside Nipper team.

What are our major events?

Below is an outline of the major events held throught the season. For each event more information will be diseminated to members closer to the event.

*For SLSWA championship carnivals, Woodside Nippers are required to pass a timed proficiency swim and pay 50% of the event registration fee to be eligible to particiapate.


Rainbow Coast Carnival – Bremer Bay

Family friendly Carnival held in Bremer Bay with Esperance SLSC and Denmark. SLSC Representatives from SLSWA join from Perth to provide coaching in all disciplines. 

SLSWA Sunsmart Country Carnival - BUNBURY*

The Sunsmart SLSWA Country Carnival is held at a Country Club on the last weekend of January we encourage as many nippers to register and compete. The 2025 carnival will be hosted by the Bunbury SLSC.


Country Championships – Bunbury

The SLSA Sunsmart Country Championships are  held in Perth and is a Qualifying Carnival for the State Championships.

All Albany Woodside Nippers are encouraged to participate and have a go!

SLSWA Little Nippers State Championships

This Carnival is held in Perth for U8 and U9 Woodside Nippers

SLSWA Sunsmart Nipper State Championships - SCARBOROUGH*

This Carnival is held in Perth for U8 and U9 Woodside Nippers

Training Schedule


sun16feb9:00 am11:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue18feb5:00 pm6:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

sun23feb9:00 am11:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue25feb5:00 pm6:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers


tue04mar5:00 pm6:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

sun09mar9:00 am11:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue11mar5:00 pm6:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

sun16mar9:00 am11:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue18mar5:00 pm6:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

Woodside Nippers Team

Jane Levett

Nippers Coordinator


Nippers Coaching


Beach Set Up


Sunday Water Safety Coordinator


Tuesday Water Safety Coordinator


Tuesday Water Safety Coordinator

Under 6 Pink Caps



Under 7 White Caps



Under 8 Yellow Caps



Under 9 Green Caps



Under 10 Blue Caps



Under 11 Purple Caps



Under 12 Dark Blue Caps



Under 13 Red Caps



Nippers Team


Jane Levett

Contact Nippers Coordinator