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Patrol Teams

Each season, qualified members are allocated a specific patrol team by the Patrol Officer. Please login in to Surf Life Saving Australia Members Area to identify which Patrol Team you have been allocated to. Teams are developed to ensure an appropriate level of award qualification and experience to provide the very best service and safety for our community.

If you can not do your patrol

It is YOUR responsibility to:

  1. Contact another Club member from another patrol to fill in for you. It must be with someone of similar award ie. Bronze for Bronze or IRB Driver for IRB Driver;
  2. Put details of change on the club pin up board. Give plenty of notice!
  3. Inform your Patrol Captain
  4. Make sure this change is appropriately documented on the sign on sheet
  5. As a last resort, member can put a notification in the RIP

Patrol Teams


Patrol Captains

Rob Lucas

Nat Rad
Michael Liitaeinen
Alice Nixon
Christine Taylor
Lily Turbill
Byron Bird
Oliver Les
Delphi Steer
Julia Liitaeinen


Patrol Captains

Jo Lucas

Carl Richardson
David Loverock
Peter Gray
Colin Pass
Oliver Pass
Mitchell Loverock
Dana Neuman
Liesel Freebury


Patrol Captains

Greg Pepall

Ken Clarke
Dora Adeline
Luke Roeker
Dinah Roeker
Lawrence Cuthbert
Kelly parker
Mali Scally
William Schupp
Rebecca Beebe
Eloise Hadlow


Patrol Captain

Jim Morcom

Les Paxton
Heike Anfang
Trish Hines
Ashton Sobik
Rob Mason
Karen Herlihy
Chloe Harding


Patrol Captain

Hayden Chandler

Jillian Seigert
Joshua Hanbury
Jenny Jay
Lisa Symmans
Sally Moir
Corrine Stoner
Kellarni Lloyde
Tyla Anderson


Patrol Captain

Rachael Duffield

Andrew Duffield
Jason Abbott
Joy Abbott
Jason Bresanello
Rachael Bresanello
Romy Duffield
Mia Benson
Amy Lucas


Patrol Captains

Jeff Medcalf

Helena Stoakley
Gavin Shepherd
Jake Shepherd
Ned Shepherd
Jill Cartmill
Tom O’Brien
Kirsten O’Brien
Ava Marmion
Robby Monaghan


Patrol Captain

Richard Langston

Lachlan McLean
Rowena De Groot
Andrew De Groot
Erin Miller
Susan Wood
Peri Wood
Virginia Mercer


Patrol Captains

Chris Ficko | Alex Poulton

Chloe Battersby
Bree Davy
Robert Field
Greg Freebury
Mika Marshall
Harriet Martin
Jordan Brekelaar
Robert Bulley


Patrol Captain

Willem Freebury

Dani Lynch
Tom Bowles
Beth Hearle
Nick Walker
Devon Proudfoot
Hamish Bowles
Kleo Proudfoot
Matthew Wells
Angus Bowles

If your names does not appear on the patrol team lists and you have a current bronze medallion or SRC award, then we would love to hear from you and assign you a patrol for the coming season, so please contact the Patrol Captain using the form below.

To access your patrol roster please log into your SLS Member Login.

Please remember this roster may be subject to change.

It is important you always confirm your roster in your SLS Member portal.


Minimum Annual Patrol Hour Requirements for Competition

All members who wish to compete at any SLSA or SLSWA “championship” competition (including Regional, Branch, State and Australian Championships; for all competition including Open, Age, Masters, Pool, IRB, Endurance, ILS and ILS member country Championships) must carry out required patrol, in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the SLSA Policy “Eligibility to compete in SLSA competition; Doc No.5.04.

Albany SLSC Patrol requirement for competition is summarised as:

Requirements are applicable for U15 through to Masters with current Bronze Medallion Award (BM) and U15 with current Surf Rescue Certificate Award (SRC).

U14s (with SRC Award) are exempt of all patrol hour requirement for U14 competitions, UNLESS they wish to age up to U15 team events, at which time the U15 (with SRC award) patrol hours requirements apply.

All personal patrol hours are logged up to 31st Dec of current year (includes all patrol hours from Jan though to Dec) for all SLSWA and SLSA “championship” competitions to be held in following year (State Championships, Aussies, etc).

16 hours is the minimum number of hours required to meet Albany SLSC requirements for competition. If you have attained your bronze equalifiactions within this year, these hours will be calculated pro rata.

Patrol hours for Albany SLSC include Rostered Patrol, Substitute Patrols and Water Safety for nipper activities and events (not including Surf Sports training). Other patrol hours can be included but will need prior approval from the Patrol Captain.

Contact Patrol Officer