Member Courses

Education plays a vital part of the Surf Club. We offer a huge range of courses and certificate qualifications. Please contact our Education Team Leader for more information.

Member Education Calendar Overview

November - DecemberSurf Rescue CertificateMonday evenings with a couple of longer Sunday water sessions.
5 or 20 NovemberAnnual skills maintenance.
For members who already hold their Bronze.
Groups of 6 every 20 minutes from 10am. Register in Members Area essential.
Nov-DecBronze MedallionPrerequisite: 400m swim in 9mins.
Delivery arrangements negotiated with participants.
TBCNippers Water Safety
(for parents)
A morning awareness and skill development course for parent helpers
22 and 23 October IRB DriverPrerequisite: IRB Crew and RST
January (TBC)Recreational Skipper’s Ticket
A free course for club members
Beginning Nov 7 Provide First Aid HLTAID011This course may include an administration fee (Approx $50)
Jan-FebBronze MedallionPrerequisite: 400m swim in 9mins.
Delivery arrangements negotiated with participants.
TBCIRB CrewPrerequisite: Bronze Medallion

All training is free to club members unless otherwise stated. For more information, please contact the Education Team Leader.

Upcoming Events


sun16feb9:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue18feb5:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

sun23feb7:30 am2025 Budget Lifesaver RelayAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:Masters,Senior,Social,Youth

sun23feb9:00 amClub Day - NippersAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

tue25feb5:00 pmWoodside Nippers Tuesday TrainingAlbany Surf Life Saving ClubMember Type:General,Nippers

Surf Rescue Certificate

The Surf Rescue Certificate is the very first stage of becoming a lifesaver. Whether you plan to compete in surf sports or simply patrol, there are plenty of opportunities and a variety of challenges within a surf club. Members aged 13-15 will complete this Certificate during the season.

Bronze Medallion

The Bronze Medallion is a nationally recognised qualification and teaches a range of activities in order to be able to perform all the basic requirements of a lifesaver:


  • Minimum 15 years of age (on the day of final assessment)
  • Financial member of the Surf Life Saving Club
  • Completed a 400m flat water swim in less than 9:00 minutes (signed off by an authorised club person)

Senior First Aid

Senior First Aid training aims to develop the knowledge and skills for a person to manage emergency First Aid situations and deliver competent emergency care until the arrival of professional medical support.

Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Course (ART)

The aim of the Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate course is to develop your skills and knowledge to use oxygen, airway management devices, and automated external defibrillators during resuscitation, and to administer oxygen to casualties

Spinal Management

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to manage injured casualties with suspected spinal injuries in an aquatic environment and in emergency situations. Courses will be run during patrols

  • Prerequisite Be at least 15 years of age on the date of final assessment.
  • Proficient in one of the following awards: Apply (Senior) First Aid; Bronze Medallion

Silver Medallion Beach Management

The aim of this course is to prepare candidates for initial work as a Patrol Captain, Team Leader, Duty Captain and similar roles. The Basic Beach Management (Silver Medallion) course is usually conducted in individual Surf Life Saving Clubs.

  • Prerequisite Minimum 17 years of age.
  • Proficient in Bronze Medallion OR have held Bronze Medallion and proficient in a surf award

Skippers Ticket

This is a pre-requisite for the IRB Driver. You can obtain the workbook for this course from the Department of Transport on Stirling Terrace.

IRB Crew

The IRB Crew Certificate course allows surf lifesavers to obtain qualifications in crewing an inflatable rescue boat.


  • Minimum of 15 years of age on the date of final assessment.
  • Hold the SLSA Bronze Medallion

IRB Driver

The IRB Driver Award (Silver Medallion) course is run for Members through Surf Life Saving Clubs. The aim of this course is to help candidates develop skills and knowledge to safely and effectively drive an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB).


  • Minimum of 16 years of age to commence training
  • Minimum of 17 years of age on the date of final assessment
  • Hold and be currently proficient in the SLSA awards: Bronze Medallion and IRB Crew Certificate
  • Have met the Marine Licensing requirements in Western Australia

Training Officer Certificate

The SLSWA Training Officer Course provides members the opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills that will assist in providing delivery of group and individual instruction, the demonstration of work skills and how to use existing learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning environment. Successful completion of this course and subsequent logbook, entitles candidates to obtain the award of WA Training Officer in a chosen award.

Must be at least 16 years of age on the date of final assessment. Note: Before you can train in an award, you must be proficient in the award in which you wish to deliver training and be endorsed as a trainer in that award by your state.

Assessors Certificate

The Surf Life Saving WA Assessors Course provides Surf Life Saving Club members the opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills that will assist in planning and organising assessment processes and assessing the competence of candidates. Successful completion of this course and subsequent logbook, entitles candidates to obtain the award of WA Assessor in a chosen award.


  • A current financial member of a Surf Life Saving Club affiliated with Surf Life Saving WA
  • A minimum of 18 years of age
  • Have held the Training Officer Certificate for at least one season
CPR Training

Resuscitation Course

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to maintain or restore breathing and circulation in an adult, child or infant.

The course content is based on the policies and standards of the Australian Resuscitation Council.