New Life Member – Pat McSweeney

by | Tue, 30 Jul 2024 | Events, Featured, General, Social

If you missed our AGM on Friday evening you missed some pretty special news!! Our members voted and unanimously endorsed and awarded Life Membership to THREE of our amazing members. So, who are these fabulous Clubbies?!?




Pat was unable to attend on Friday evening but we will celebrate with him very soon. In the meantime, you can enjoy reading about his achievements:


Patrick McSweeney has demonstrated outstanding commitment and distinguished service to Albany Surf Life Saving Club as an active member for the past 23 years. Pat joined Albany SLSC in 2001 with his family after transferring over from Denmark SLSC. He has completed 356.42 career patrol hours and held various leadership roles in the club including Director of Lifesaving (1 year), Director of House (4 years), Patrol Captain, Radio Officer, Water Safety Officer and Health and Safety Officer.

Pat’s most significant contribution to Albany SLSC is undoubtedly in lifesaving and support operations where he has invested countless hours as part of and leading the Albany Support Operations Jet Ski team. Pat has been a member of the Support Operations team since 2011 and stepped up to take on the role of Coordinator/Emergency Response Duty Officer in 2014. In this volunteer role, Pat has successfully worked tirelessly to build and maintain a strong collaborative relationship between Albany SLSC and other emergency response agencies including Albany Sea Rescue Squad, Water Police and other SLSCs.

Being a member of this team requires a high level of commitment and dedication to training, education and personal fitness all of which Pat has maintained over many years. It is a role that at times is not only physically draining but also mentally with outcomes not always being positive. In 2015, Pat was one of four Albany SLSC Wesfarmers Emergency Response Team who were awarded a Surf Life Saving Australia meritorious award. This was given in recognition of going above and beyond the call of duty and consistently putting their lives at risk in trying coastal conditions. In 2015, the team responded to four emergency rescue and recovery efforts in a six-week period and on three occasions the outcome was not successful. However, Pat and the team never gave up and continued to respond to the call for help despite the incredibly dangerous risk involved.

Pat has been actively involved in many coastal safety and lifesaving trials that have led to positive outcomes such as safer operational practices for the response teams including drone technology. He is also a public advocate in the media for coastal safety and has been the face of many water safety and lifesaving campaigns in particular encouraging rock fishers to wear life jackets,

Pat has given his time freely to the club whilst also balancing the commitments of family and being self-employed. He has also invested in the club financially as a much-valued club sponsor for many years.

The Life Members of Albany SLSC recommended that Pat McSweeney be bestowed with life membership for his sustained and distinguished volunteer service to Albany SLSC over the past 23 years.

Congratulations Pat! ❤️💛🖤