Wave of extra funding for Albany Surf Club revamp!

by | Tue, 28 Nov 2023 | General, Redevelopment Project

ASLSC are delighted that the State Government have agreed to our request for further funding for our Club Expansion Project.  Whilst the initial pledge of $1.6m was extremely welcome (and in fact, was the catalyst for digging the plans out of the cupboard and reconsidering the project after shelving it due to lack of funds), we were unable to accept tenders due to a funding shortfall – building prices were much higher than the estimates. The project was reduced in scale and we went out to tender again, but we were still considerably short.

The additional $500,000 from the State Government takes their contribution to $2.1m and together with our other funding, will actually see this project get underway. We, ASLSC, have increased our own contribution by $50,000 to a total of $200,000, and the City of Albany have also increased their monetary contribution by $50,000 to a total of $350,000 plus their in-kind contribution which includes the project management. Lottery West is the other major funding provider for the build with $704,000.  In addition to this, the Club is very lucky to have a local charitable trust, The Jack Family Trust contribute $150,000 towards the fit out of the revamped building.

 The Club is very appreciative of all our funding partners, and our volunteers who have worked hard for a very long time to get to this point.  We expect to be able to award the tender to a builder very shortly and be underway with the build early in the new year. We will need to vacate the club in early January and further details will be provided on this soon.  Thanks for your patience, we will be aiming to get into the “new clubhouse” by the start of next season but I’m sure you will appreciate that buildings (especially renovations and extensions) sometimes take longer than we would like so we will have to play that by ear.  We will keep you updated as we progress from here!