We had another eventful Sunday organised by Lifesaving Team Leader Dani, with a short club swim in the choppy murkish water. It was great to get our first Ironman event and looking forward to seeing our youth gain confidence and complete this individually.
Weekly Training Day
We have an exciting new time slot for youth training. Training for all interested youth will be on Friday evenings from 5-6pm. This will mainly focus on board training, but we may mix it up depending on the conditions.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone down there!
Reminder: Youth Opportunities
Opportunities are available for youth at the Rainbow Coast Carnival in Bremer Bay is in a few weeks on the 26th and 27th November. We would like for as many of our youth to attend as possible.
Please register to participate via the following links:
Youth Official: 9am – 10am https://www.mybeach.com.au/event/youth-official-course-2/
Youth Coach: 10am – 11am https://www.mybeach.com.au/event/youth-coach-course-2/
Registrations close Wednesday, 23 November.
Thanks BB Minicrete & Firewood Supplies for their support.
Any questions, contact Youth Coordinator Joslyn Pass on 0428 995 077 or at youth@albanysurfclub.com.au