Thank you
Great news! We have a Tuesday Water Safety Officer!! Huge thank you to Hayden Chandler for stepping up to the plate and taking on this role.
Volunteers are a critical for the club to deliver what we do. Hayden was a Nipper in his younger days, and it is fantastic to see him develop his skills for Surf Lifesaving and in return see him commit to the club in this leadership role. If anyone has any questions regarding water safety on a Tuesday, he is the “go to” man.
Sunday Coordinator
On another note, we are still looking for a regular Sunday Coordinator. If you think this could be you, don’t be shy! You will be supported through this role by an amazing team of “on the beach experience”. Be brave and step up, you may just surprise yourself!
Events Water Safety Officer
Planning has already gone underway for our events over the season that require an overriding Water Safety Officer, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to get involved. Rob Mason is our highly efficient and experienced Officer and is more than happy to support you through this role.
Get on Board
As you may be aware all three roles have been advertised before the season began, but we are more than happy to fill them in as the season continues. Don’t sit back and think you have missed the boat; we are happy to drag you aboard.
Get in touch with Lifesaving Team Leader Dani Lynch today to find out how you can get involved at