Tuesday Woodside Nippers Training

by | Tue, 08 Nov 2022 | General, Nippers

Thanks again to all our formidable volunteers and kids for another fantastic Tuesday Training. The Sou’westerly winds make for fabulous conditions – but they do bring a little drizzle! Everyone did a great job working around the swim enclosure repairs – that digger looked pretty tempting.  

We have been working on a roster for beach and board activities. Amy, Colin and Celia have been doing a wonderful job building skills in flag, sprint and swim starts – a little bird told me Celia will be in a wetsuit next training – watch out kids!  

Hopefully, we can stick to this roster – we will let you know if we do need to change.  

If you want to join in Woodside Nippers Tuesday Training, please register through the following link:

Tuesday Training Register  

If any Senior and Youth members wish to get involved, please email Nipper Training Coordinator Jane Levett at nipperstraining@albanysurfclub.com.au