Patrol 21/22 Season Wrap Up

by | Tue, 29 Mar 2022 | General, Patrol

And that’s a wrap for another season of Volunteer Patrol for the community of Albany.

On behalf of the ASLSC, a huge thank you to all patrol members old and new for your continued efforts. We have a contract with the City of Albany, which is renewed every season, to provide volunteer surf life savers each weekend from December to the end of March and for the public holidays that fall in those months. Through diligence and commitment from our patrol members, this contract was fulfilled.

There were rescues and numerous first aid incidents, which were all dealt with in a professional manner by each team on patrol. The group effort by all members meant that between Sunday nippers, Regional Nipper Champs, and Perth Comps, a majority patrols were covered adequately, with only one call out for more members required.

To all Patrol Captains, your level of organization, the calm manner with which you managed your team, is much appreciated.

ASLSC would like to thank our sponsor Great Southern Specialist Centre for their on-going support to our club and our community. The new jackets will be an asset for the days when the Easterly comes to visit next season. 

Now is the time to think about next season and decide how you can continue to add to our club. Keep on eye out for more Education opportunities to add to your resume. 

Thank you again for all your efforts in keeping our beach safe, keep an eye out for the next Rip which will have some interesting statistics for you to enjoy. 

Dani – Patrol Team Leader