Woodside Nippers

by | Tue, 15 Mar 2022 | General, Nippers, Social

That’s a wrap for Woodside Nippers for the season. Huge thanks to our Nippers Team, water safety, officials, canteen, parents, and all the crew behind the scene that deliver the program each week. You guys rock!

2022 SLSWA Sunsmart Nipper State Championships

Best of luck to our Nippers heading up to Perth this weekend to compete at the state titles. Congratulations on qualifying for this event. We know you will do Albany proud. Go Albany!


We encourage all parents to keep up to date for all club activities in the Rip. We do hope to determine a date for the Woodside Nipper windup sometime soon… so stay tuned!

Local Sponsors

Many thanks to our Local Nipper sponsors Albany Community Pharmacy. We are truly grateful for the ongoing commitment and support from their team and look forward to our ongoing partnership with them. Support from local business has and continues to be critical to the clubs ongoing success. Please take the time to thank our local sponsors and remember to support the businesses that support your club!