Albany SLSC  Expansion Project

Albany SLSC Expansion Project

We are very exited to announce that the club has now been successful in securing funding to complete the Club Expansion Project! The expansion project has remained a key strategic priority for the club to support of its rapidly growing membership base for a...
Vac Swim 2021-22

Vac Swim 2021-22

The Department of Education is celebrating the 103rd year of VacSwim this summer.  Our 2021-2022 programs will be conducted weekdays at Albany – Middleton Beach from 29 December 2021 to 21 January 2022, including the public holiday Monday 3...
2021 Albany Surf Craft Challenge

2021 Albany Surf Craft Challenge

The Surf Craft Challenge returned with a bang on Sunday June 6 with a record number of over 250 competitors across all categories including Surf Boats (35), Surf Skis (45, including 7 Doubles), and the ever popular 2km Beach Run.  Albany SLSC again fielded a strong...