Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Tuesday training will include a beach skills session coached by Dannika and Amy, running from 4:15 to 4:45. If your Nipper is attending the beach session, please ensure that an adult is able to stay and help. Board training will commence at 5pm and run through to 6pm....
Woodside Nippers – Dates for the Diary

Woodside Nippers – Dates for the Diary

Nipper Qualifier, Leighton Beach – 8th and 9th February 2025 Little Nipper Champs, Leighton Beach – 23rd February 2025 Entries can be completed via the SurfTec link here   SurfTec Contact Nipper Coordinator Jane Levett with any questions...
Surf Sports Update

Surf Sports Update

Its been a huge start to the new year in Surf Sports and for club activity in general! With a busy schedule coming up over the next few months jammed with carnivals, club events and preparations to move back into the clubhouse, its worth taking a quick pause to...
Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Woodside Nippers – Tuesday Training

Tuesday training will include a beach skills session coached by Dannika and Amy, running from 4:15 to 4:45. If your Nipper is attending the beach session, please ensure that an adult is able to stay and help. Board training will commence at 5pm and run through to 6pm....