Congratulations to all our Woodside Nippers who tried their best on Sunday at our first points day of the season. We have started to see more “usual” Midds conditions – with a light onshore breeze and some dumping waves!
Everyone gave their very best with the competition style format – the U9’s even squeezed an Iron event in!! Remember – there is no Woodside Nippers at Middleton Beach this Sunday! We are off to Bremer Bay for the Rainbow Coast Carnival!!
Do you want to be an official?
We are looking for parent volunteers to undertake officials training. SLSWA are running an official’s course at Bremer Bay, and mentoring will be available on the beach at Middleton. It is envisaged that parent officials could stick with their Woodside Nippers age group, stepping in to help out in the different arenas.
You can sign up to the Bremer Bay Officials course here;
Coaching and Officiating Workshop – Bremer Bay Tickets, Bremer Bay | TryBooking Australia
Tuesday Training
There will be no Woodside Nippers training on 19th November due to forecast poor conditions. We will continue training at Middleton Beach from 5 to 6pm next Tuesday the 26th.
Please ensure you have signed up, and make sure you have your age group cap and vest to participate.
Any questions, please reach out to Nipper Coordinator Jane