Skills Maintenance (Requals) – October 20 or October 26
Register now for BM, ART and/or IRB – Members area; eLearning; Training event; select date and time; sessions start every 15 mins 9am to 10:30 – two opportunities October 20 and 26.
This year you’ll be completing the requal with one partner, so if you have someone in mind, they need to book the same start time as you – if not, you’ll be paired-up on the day. Also, please complete the Sexual Harassment online training prior to your requal (Members area; eLearning; Safety and Wellbeing).
SLSA has determined that we all need to complete the Sexual Harassment online course as a part of our BM requals this year. If you haven’t completed the course, we won’t be able to process your requal.
Go to Members Area; eLearning; Training library; Safety and wellbeing; Sexual harassment. It’ll take 10 – 15 mins.
There are always lots of questions around training, particularly if you’re new to the club. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone or text.
Please register your interest for any of the above courses with Education Team Leader, Jeff Medcalf at or call 0403 789 746.