Upcoming dates Sunday 27th October
The Woodside Nippers Proficiency Swim will be held at ALAC on the 27th of October. Nippers will be able to collect their age group caps and Woodside Nipper packs on the day. Age groups are split into two sessions with start times below;

The proficiency swim evaluates the following skills for each age group:

Sunday 3rd November
The season on the beach will commence at 9am on the 3rd of November and run through to the 16th of March, with our last day being the ASLSC Club Champions event.
The first session will include an introduction to the club and Surf Lifesaving and surf sports activities. Come prepared to get wet! Woodside Nippers are more than welcome to wear wetsuits in the water. Make sure you have your cap, vest, sunscreen and hat. Flags will direct you to your age group, if you need any help – just ask. Those parents and carers that hold their NRC from last season please come ready to get into the water.
We still do need some volunteers to ensure the season runs smoothly and we can deliver the Nippers program efficiently each week. These include;
- Communication coordinator – newsletter updates and other communications.
- Sunday roster coordinator – managing canteen, BBQ, setup and pack up roster.
- Competition coordinator – promoting and managing competitions ASLSC Woodside Nipper members may attend over the season.
- Age Group Recorders.
- Water safety – Nipper Rescue Certificate and Nipper Adult Assistants. The 2023/24 Nippers Rescue Certificate (NRC) award is valid until the end of 2024. We will run NRC sessions early in the season to update qualifications and introduce new parents to water safety. Nipper Adult Assistants (NAA) assist in shallow water and certification is not required; NAA are absolutely essential to delivering our program to our smaller members.
To enquire about any of these roles, please email nippers@albanysurfclub.com.au