Surf Sports Training

If you have or are signed up for your Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) or Bronze Medallion award… have all other member requirements in place … and intend to patrol or otherwise actively volunteer this season, then the door to the world of Surf Sports will soon be open to you!  And this is just as well, because …  

… Training is Set to Commence!

Training for Youth (u14-U17) & Seniors (u19+) will commence in the week starting Monday 14 October. Please continue your own Spring training regime to get an early jump on the season!  

Board training – Wed & Thurs 6am*

Further to the Board Paddling Memo (sent out 17 September, repeated in this edition of the Rip), if you are eligible to join club training and don’t own your own board, please make contact ASAP to make suitable arrangements.   

Please contact Nick at to register your interest for training and to request access to a club board for training and competition – this allows us to make suitable arrangements with our board captain Greg Pepall.  Greg can be contacted directly on to discuss the finer points of club board procedures and access.  Depending on demand, we will run a group board allocation session this Sunday 6th October 9am at Middleton Beach.

Ski Training* – Tues & Thurs 6am*

By application only – please be aware that access to club skis will be limited this season!  Begging, borrowing or buying a ski is your best bet to get started this season …  

Swim training

It is expected that SRC and Bronze Medallion award holders / candidates in training, conduct their own swim training.  Swimming is the most fundamental SLS skill and fitness requirement so make sure you reach out to join or create your own social training group NOW!  The Club Handicap Swim will held at a NEW TIME of 8:20am on Sundays and is open to ALL youth and senior members.  The club also runs a number of popular ocean swim events every year which you can participate in as a swimmer and/or volunteer – lookout for the callouts!  

Run Training

It is expected that SRC and Bronze Medallion award holders / candidates in training, conduct their own run training too.  Running is an important SLS skill and fitness requirement so be sure to reach out or join or create your own social training group NOW!   

We will be holding either a beach sprint, flags and/or 2km run activity every Sunday, as well as host our annual long 4km beach run championship later in the season, open to ALL nipper, youth and senior members. Beach Championships are a huge part of every major Carnival and Competition program, with Albany SLSC traditionally excelling in this arena – if any Senior member would be keen to develop and deliver a run training program for Youth & Senior Members – please register your interest NOW!   *Sessions START on the water / beach at times noted – please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to ensure you are ready to go.

Key Contacts:

Greg Pepall, Board Captain |

Nick Walker, Surf Sports Team Leader |