The Rainbow Coast Carnival, Bremer Bay is a family-friendly event running over the weekend, Friday (evening) 22 Nov. to Sunday (arvo), 24 Nov. at Bremer Bay.
It offers Nippers, Youth, and Seniors an encouraging and fun environment to explore surf sports, and other opportunities for education, training and skill development.
SLSWA reps will be in attendance to assist.
The program is currently under development and will be done in collaboration with Esperance and Albany Clubs however the basic framework is below:
Friday: arrive, social briefing
Saturday AM: education, training, and skill development
Saturday ARVO: beach events (Blossoms Beach*)
Saturday PM: social
Sunday AM: water events (Blossoms Beach*)
Sunday ARVO: pack-up
(*) location may change, subject to conditions
Book accommodation.
Mention Rainbow Coast Carnival and what Club you are with.