Events Team Update

We need our members to step up!

It was a very disappointing turnout to the Events Team Information night last week. As we have mentioned previously, the Events Team hasn’t had enough volunteers in the last couple of years to even exist. It’s been a handful of members doing the heavy lifting to ensure events are not impacted. This is not sustainable.

Every year our members say they want more events and activities but we simply can’t do this without you.

Your support is critical! It’s time to share the load and ensure our club continues to offer the events and services in the community spirit we’re known for.

We deliver and support some great events that we know you want to support!

  • Christmas Pageant
  • New Year’s Eve Swim, Harbour Swim, Surf Craft Challenge support
  • Social and fundraising events
  • End of season presentation events

Having only one person to coordinate these events is not sustainable and will result in events not being delivered. The Christmas Pageant is a fun event which Nippers love participating in but 2 parents from each Nipper age group is needed to coordinate this. Nipper parents – we strongly encourage you to reach out to Simone and consider how you can contribute to this event.

Please join us, get involved, and help us build capacity in our club and our members to keep our club strong.

Why not get in touch with Team Leader Simone Klose today! | 0400 216 026