by | Tue, 31 Oct 2023 | General, Surf Sports, Youth

Our website remains the best place to access all current information about surf sports and club activities, including the RIP newsletter articles.  If you aren’t receiving this key weekly update, go to the website and sign up today!  In addition, some age and training specific groups will have supplementary communication channels such as WhatsApp groups.  For queries relating to these channels please contact us.
Surf Sports Team Leader – Nick Walker or 0438 890 995
Surf Sports Development Officer – Jason Bresanello or 0422 925 350
Youth Coordinator – Joslyn Pass or 0428 995 077  

With membership numbers settled, we are looking at starting up a new youth group communication forum, for specific training, officiating, education and youth pathways program information and reminders.  Please contact Jos Pass with your relevant contact details this week.  
Regarding membership, a reminder you must be registered and paid, with relevant member protection screening in place, before you can join any club activities.  Membership guides and enquiry contact details are found on the club website.