Albany SLSC Season Opener Sundowner

We are kicking off the season with our Season Opener Sundowner at Woodlands Distillery.

Kelvin and his team are long-time supporters of our club and so we are sending the love right back at them!

All welcome!

When: Sunday 29th October | 4-7pm
Where: Woodlands Distillery, 1455 O’Neill Rd, Porongurup WA 6324
BYO: Chair, picnic blanket or bean bag

Drinks and food are available for purchase.
Tunes from our very own past clubby Jordy Morcom!

This is a free event but RSVP’s are essential. Click here to RSVP.
Free bus available from the Albany SLSC (leaves 3pm) and returns from Woodlands at 7pm back to the Albany SLSC. Book your seat for the bus here. We need numbers by Thursday 12pm.

Lock this one in your diary people!