The initial tenders have come in over budget. A detailed design review has been undertaken with the aim to deliver redeveloped club rooms that meet the club requirements within budget. With the redesign almost complete the next steps are approvals and then tender. Construction is expected to commence in September / October aiming for completion in Autumn 2024.
A lot of planning has been undertaken to deliver Sunday’s program, Tuesday afternoon training and surf lifesaving patrols with container storage set up at Middleton Beach for key equipment.
In consideration of a season without club rooms the board has approved a 50% discount on membership fees for the 2023/24 season. We hope you will take the opportunity to renew your membership and be involved in the upcoming season and support the ASLSC. Registration renewal information will be announced shortly.
If you have any queries, please contact Carl | Ph 0429 920 268.
For more information on this project please go to the City of Albany Current Projects page.