2023 Albany Harbour Swim Wrap Up

by | Mon, 10 Apr 2023 | Competition, Events, General, Surf Sports, Youth

Congratulations to all the swimmers. Super effort in the water with those choppy waters and strong currents!

A big congratulations to our first male and female across the line:

1st Male Open water – Max Coten 48:42

1st Female Open Water – Rene Watson 53:40

You can check out all the race results here: https://my.raceresult.com/239260/live

Check out our Facebook page for all the snaps 🙂

Massive thank you to our wonderful volunteers behind the scenes and on the water.

We simply could not do it every year without you! You guys rock!

Special mention also to Southern Ports for their ongoing support for this icon Albany event.

Thanks also to our media partner, the Albany Advertiser in promoting this event.

See you back in 2024!