Woodside Nippers News

by | Tue, 05 Oct 2021 | General, Nippers

We Need your Help…

It’s nearly that time again and planning is well under way for the 2021/2022. There are a number of positions in the Woodside Nipper team that are still yet to be filled. If you are interested in one of the below positions and would like more information, please contact – Megan Downes Woodside Nipper Coordinator on 0438421261 or email

Training Coordinator 

Little Life Saver Coordinator 

Set up Coordinator 

Pack up Coordinator 

U11 Age Group Manager 

U13 Age Group Manager 

Age Group Assistants for most Age groups 

Sprint Trainers

Board Trainers 

Important Dates for Woodside Nippers…

Open Day – Meet and Greet – 17th October 10am – 2pm

AGM Information Session – 17th October 4pm, see below for information from SLSWA:

Nipper Team Sundowner – Friday 22nd October 

Woodside Nipper Preliminary Evaluation @ ALAC – Sunday 31st October from 10am

More information to come next week, so make sure you keep up to date and read the RIP!