Ski Storage Policy – Privately Owned Craft
The Ski rack areas in the Club are a very valuable club resource. The need to store personal and club owned craft is at a premium demand and is now outstripping availability. To manage the resource professionally a proposal of a formal process for members to request and to be allocated rack spaces in the Ski storage areas.
Application Process
Members will be required to complete a Ski Storage Application Form. Completion and submission of this form does not guarantee allocation of Craft storage due to the limited spaces.
Applicant Criteria
Applicants must meet the basic eligibility and priority ranking criteria to obtain a craft space:
- Be a current financial (min of 12 months) (or life) member of the club
- Be a SRC or Bronze Medallion holder (or greater)
- Be no more than 8 hours down on their patrol obligation
- Be actively and regularly competing in sanctioned SLS Craft specific events
- Be regularly participating in club sanctioned craft related training sessions (on average at least once a week)
- Be actively fundraising or complete allocated fundraising events as set or organised by the club
- Be actively contributing to the club in other volunteer positions
- Age priority: Senior – Masters
- Other significant contributions to the Club
Conditions of Applicant Allocation
- The Surf Sports Committee will allocate craft storage and will be allocated for a maximum of one season with an annual fee paid to the Albany SLSC Registrar at the start of each membership year (See Section Craft Storage Fees).
- Continued use of the allocated craft storage is dependent on the member maintaining a significant commitment/contribution to training, competition, patrols and fundraising. Any applicant that does not meet these obligations will lose their allocated craft storage.
- Successful applicants are entitled to ONE Ski storage rack and are responsible for the condition of their allocated space/s and safe storage of their surf craft. * The Club takes no responsibility for any craft equipment stored at the Club.
- Applicant Surf Craft must be approved Surf Craft and comply with SLSA Surf Craft Specifications ie. Single Surf Ski and/or Double Surf Ski.
- Owners of crafts that do not comply will be sent a formal notice detailing noncompliant issues from the Club requesting the craft owner to rectify the non- compliant issues within 7 days or remove the craft as soon as possible.
- The Coach/Surf Sports Captain/Ski Captain can at any time not permit the use of unsafe/ dangerous Surf crafts during Club Training and can request a Surf Craft to be removed if the member is not confirming to the club policy.
- Eligible members who have allocated storage are to clearly identify their shelf with member name tag as provide by the club, this will strictly be for the storage of that nominated members craft only. Members cannot transfer this storage to another member.
Craft Storage Fees
Senior/Master – $40 per annum.
NOTE: if payment is not received after a month of the application being approved the allocated craft space will be re-allocated to another pending member.
These fees are to be allocated to the Ski maintenance budget, and are non-refundable.
Maintaining of Rack Space Allocations
Allocations will be under constant review. Those members who do not continue to use their ski regularly for competition and training may be asked to remove and forgo their allocated storage as determined by the Ski Captain and Ski Coach if there are other members waiting/queued for ski storage of private equipment. Any fees paid will be no refundable.
Allocation Renewal
At the start of each membership year craft storage occupants will be reminded of their craft renewal. Once the fee has been paid the occupant will be reallocated their existing storage location, and must be sustaining application criteria.